How To Know What Foods Parrots Eat – How To Know
Hows it going fellow Parrot owners. Many of you are new Parrot owners looking for the proper diet for your Parrot.
In order to know what Parrots eat, you will most likely have to do a little research.
I know, it sounds like some work, but you probably already know how special your Parrot is and making sure you take proper care of it will make this a great and long lasting relationship
The first thing is, you really should know the type or breed of Parrot that you own. I mean, there are 100’s of unique species, and certain groups of species need there own, special diet. You see, certain Parrot groups need certain foods that meet there own minerals and vitamin criteria ,if you will.
On average, there are 3 different diets that will include just about every Parrot known:
1. Seed-Based Diets – Somewhat deficient in many vitamins and minerals -but they are easy and quickly available when needed.
2. Formulated Diets (Usually Pellets) – As a rule the formulated diet will cover basic nutritional needs of all species – but certain species can usually use added or supplemental foods,like greens and many other such food that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals (Fresh food has a way of keeping all the natural minerals and vitamins)
3. Cooked Diets – These are the diets that usually help many, if not all Parrot species. You can cook them yourself or buy them precooked. The only thing about precooked foods is that they can sometimes lose there nutritional value if you dont feed them to the Parrot in a relatively short period of time, so it really depends on your parrot and its overall appetite.
What Kind Of Foods Do Parrots Eat
Make Sure To Consider These Things When Considering Your Parrots Final Diet
O.K., most times when we buy a Parrot from the pet store, we
should automatically know the species of our new Parrot. Actually, most of the time the Parrots will be from a very popular species – which will allow you to easily have no problems understanding your Parrot’s diet.
But if you arent quite sure of what kind of Parrot you own, go to the “Formulated Diet” – With nutritional supplementation. There are a few great ways
to supplement your Parrots diet, make sure you watch closely, as certain species of Parrot, like the Amazon parrots, cockatoos, and Eclectus parrots, are prone to obesity. usually though, its pretty obvious that you own a type of Parrot species like those.
Aside from those Parrots, you have the Eclectus Parrots that arent usually fed this type of diet – and they should definitely NOT be fed Nuts, as they are completely frugivorous when in the
wild. They can basically survive on nothing but fresh produce or green’s. With an unusually long small intestine, they will absorb virtually EVERY bit of vitamins and minerals in there diet.
But a bit of grains and extra legumes will help out along with the produce ,as they still do require there own bit of proteins.
The Parrots That Should Have A Higher Fat Intake In The Diet
Now on a different end end of the Parrot species’ are the macaws , Hyacinth macaws ,and conures will always need a higher level of fat in their everyday eating habits, actually more fat then what is included in your typical formulated diet. Including large numbers of nut’s in the diet is regularly done.
Answering the question, “What do parrots eat?” -is not an easy question to answer. Most of you will undoubtedly recognize that the range in food and vitamin/mineral levels can vary greatly from 1 parrot group to the other.
Having your own Parrot Upkeep and Help guide will be very beneficial to you and to the Training and Upkeep of your Parrot.
Parrots are really outstanding pet’s. Its highly unlikely that any other bird be compared to the Parrot.
What Doest YOUR Parrot Eat? – And Why We Cant Always Trust Pet Stores and Food Packages
Unfortunately, many pet owners get it very wrong when actually buying food for there Parrots.
But its usually the companies fault….
See, alot of the time the “recommendations written on the Parrot
food boxes or bags can provide bad information. Many, many of the different pet food companies do not actually give recommendations for the exact type of Parrots -they just describe a size of the Parrot or size of the food or
Unfortunately they must expect new Parrot owners to already know everything. The biggest reason this can be bad for the Parrot is the simple fact that, different Parrots have different styles of eating.
They eat the pellets with there claw or some eat the pellets directly off the bowl or plate with there beak. Some pellets or formulated diet foods are exactly the same for budgies and macaws. BUT – a macaw does not eat it’s food the way that the budgie does.
All Parrots Can eat This
The one thing thatMost of the time we can feel alright about giving to Parrots is the fresh foods, like fruits and vegetables. (Cooked is quite alright too) Of course you should always monitor you Parrots eating habits. Some only need small amounts
while other have a larger diet, maybe due to faster metabolism or something to that effect.
A lot of the times it is even alright to feed your Parrot food straight from your table. Of course, it cant be unhealthy or full of salt and fatty acids. But things that WE find healthy are not only O.K., but can be quite healthy for your pet Parrot. Because there
diet is actually very plain, foods that taste good never hurts.Remember, these are Parrots,and
they DO have personality.(even though they seem to just “copy” what we say most of the time;)
Its actually a well known fact that Parrots have diet’s that are still wrapped in a bit of mystery. But knowing your parrots species, where the parrot comes from and the type of food that it consumed while in the wild will go far to help you in knowing the ins and outs for the diet of your Parrot.
Its fantastic to be an owner of your own pet Parrot, and there really is no limit with parrots. Some say that there is more than just great companionship, but they have been known to live for up to 60 YEARS!Unbelievable – Decide to take good care of your parrot and give them the right upbringing,and, you and your parrot will be like best friends in no time and for years to comes.
For those of you that want a great Parrot training manual that will really show you some more in depth training and Parrot Care information, go ahead and check the “Ultimate Guide To Parrot Upkeeping”