What is hamster??
H amsters are nocturnal rodents, A hamster in captivity is still distinguished by its greater inclination towards activity by night rather than by day. Hence is the hamster handled somewhat reluctantly during the day, as its biological clock recommends sleep at that time of the day, which may lead to a certain grumpyness and a bite or two in case of incautious managing of the animal. Hamsters are indeed antisocial animals and they must be kept singly in order to avoid fights with deadly or injurious outcome.
Type of hamster
The most common (and largest) breed is the Syrian, or Golden, Hamster. Remember they are naturally solitary and prefer to be kept alone. Russian or Dwarf Hamsters are smaller, growing to about 8cm while Chinese Hamsters are slightly longer when fully grown. If you must keep a pair, make sure they are the same sex and do not mix species.
T he basic fodder should be lean seeds (not oats), rich in carbonhydrates, with the addition of fresh plant stuff such as vegetables or fruit. Avoid sour fruits and lettuce. Neutral additions of powdered vitamins and minerals may be strewn over the food in recommended amounts. Make sure that the fodder is adapted to the hamster in a sense of size, even though the hamster is a rodent. Concerning the teeth of the hamster single measures should be taken, so that the animal gets a supply of chewy pieces, either usual, unprepared wood, or chewing biscuits or stones specially made and sold in stores for that purpose. The hamster must have a supply of fresh water. Choose a water bottle designed for hamsters. Make sure that the animal learns to drink from the bottle, in case this doesn´t happen by its own initiative you must help it by carefully feeding it with the lip, so that it learns the connection. Without the supply of fresh water the hamster may suffer from constipation. Be consistent in the diet and avoid fast changes. The hamster is not to be fed with sweets, especially not chocolate. Calcium shortage may be prevented by making sure that the animal has access to a mineral stone.
Diseases of the hamster
T he hamster may be stricken by colds, also by such kinds that otherwise hits humans. For that reason you should be careful about your own hygiene if you in case of cold should have to manage the hamster. If the hamster sneezes and its nose or eyes runs, the cage should be cleaned immediately. Polish the cage extra carefully (not cotton) and place it where it is varm and free from draught. In case the hamster doesn´t recover after a few days, a veterinarian should be contacted. A typical hamster disease is what in English is called “wet tail” with diarrhoea and apathy. This disease may, if nothing is done, lead to the death. The preparation “dry tail”, which is intended to repeal this condition, is sold in hamster shops. The hamster must receive additional liquid to compensate for the loss of liquid caused by the diarrhoea, as well. “Wet tail” could very likely break out because of sudden changes in environment and handling. Young hamsters should not be subject to an excess of sudden managing. Hamsters are sensitive to falling and may never be dropped by an upright standing person.
Breeds – Syrian hamster
T his breed of hamsters goes by other denotations which often, directly or indirectly, refers to the colour of the fur. The Syrian hamster is the most popular breed of hamsters for pet purposes. The size of a grown animal is 10 to 15 centimeters. They must absolutely be kept separated singly, except at mating. They become about three years of age.
Breeds – Campbells Rusian dwarf Hamster
T his is the dwarf hamster which is appreciated the most in pet animal contexts. The length of a grown animal is 5 to 8 centimeters. Campbells Russian dwarf hamster has fur on paws and tail, as well, and exists with a number of fur colours. This type of hamster may be brought to accept the company of racial brethrens, if the introduction to do so takes place in its early years.
Breeds – Campbells Rusian dwarf Hamster
T his is the dwarf hamster which is appreciated the most in pet animal contexts. The length of a grown animal is 5 to 8 centimeters. Campbells Russian dwarf hamster has fur on paws and tail, as well, and exists with a number of fur colours. This type of hamster may be brought to accept the company of racial brethrens, if the introduction to do so takes place in its early years.
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